One Sunday I attended an evening Eucharist in the nearby Church with my friend. Though it was an evening Eucharist celebration, the faithfuls flocked into the Church in no times. I was sitting next to my friend in the same pew. Then, came the homily session. At first I listened carefully with my face looking straight to the preacher who was a bit shorter than the avarage pracher I used to attend to.
Five minutes later, I closed my eyes, head down a bit, but still listening attentively. I felt comfortable that way. A moment later, my friend awaken me and remarked: "There is nothing new to his homily, all the same with no depth!" To this sudden negative comments of my friend, I just shaked my head without a word uttered. I asked myself: "How come he negitively feel that way?" I was puzzled! However, I quickly focused back to what the priest was preaching. I tried to catch the very last valuable piece of message that I could bring home for further reflections.
This very occassion with my friend reminds me of the new wisdoms that I just learnt. That, if I am perplexed or puzzled about something in life, I must not "mind." And when I'm surrounded by negativity, negative forces, and negative emotions, I should not mind a thing. I was taught that, when I "mind" it, I obey it! I must not be as children, who mind their parents. I must get 'out of my mind', instead. I need to remember: we are human 'being', not a human 'minding.' Move, therefore, into beingness. Honestly, as my friend uttered his complaint, I just felt calm and I really didn't mind.
So my friends, that's the experience as well as the answer I found to the very question: Who decides what mood I am in? I could see that my friend was not happy with the homily the priest delivered that evening. The rest of it, I would not speculate what he was thinking about the priest. Personally, this unexpected encounter with my friend's attitude served well as another valuable lesson for me on how to hold a positive attitude about everything.
Therefore my friends, it's really up to us, to be positive or not to be positive; to be happy or not to be happy. You are what you choose to be!