Indeed, it's been a long absent in this blog since my last updates. I have been engrossed with my last semester's commitments till the 23rd December which was my final lectures, finally. Now I may have ample time to continue posting with much ease.
Yes, thanks ALLAH!!!, He helps me made it through my whole religious formations, at last, at Driyarkara's High School of Philosophy, Jakarta INDONESIA. I offerred and did my very best in religious studies eventhough the results were not always satisfactory. What a great relief after going through the most crucial Ad-Audiendas exam last 19th of December, esp after the second intense repetitions. Nevertheless, I appreciate most the "processes" more than the final result itself.
After completing all that were needed to be done in my parts, I am now confronted with more questions in life, one in particular is this: Is anything I fear happening right now??? Why?? Yes, with the completion of the Ad-Audiendas exam recently, it means that I'm urge to response to new height of commitments, wheather I like it or not. But, the question is, am I really ready for it? In fact I'm ready but with 'fear' in my heart right now, fear of the unknown, the unfamiliar and perhaps complex situations ahead.
Despite the demand of impending, radical commitment and the much sought faithfulness, as a religious man, today's Gospel message from John 1:1-18, equally delivers the much sought hope for me. Christ''s incarnation, it's mystery not it's 'history', if anything injects not only real 'hope' but also real consolation that, yes I may fear at times but at the same time, I'm not alone facing it. Christ, the real LIGHT has come, time and again, to shine my ways, even the darkest paths of the journey will not overcome this LIGHT.
New year 2010 is fast approaching in just a few minutes more. It's interesting that a new year always begin in the darkest of night, i.e., 12:00 mid-night, not in the day time. But this darkness is short-live anyway, because within six hours time, the night shall be gone and the sun light will brighten the day once again. In short, light prevails over darkness just as Christ prevails over the darkness of sins and impurities of humanity.
So, to all my friends and blog readers, I pray that the coming New Year 2010 will be filled with God's abundance providence for you and your family members, both near and afar!!! Since the LIGHT has come, let us turn fear into joy and divine-filled confidence as we take once step at a time and all through the new year.
God bless us all, His much loved children on earth !!!
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